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When the THINK Home initially opened in 2003, we went to communities where our target population lived in order to recruit them. Since 2004, the program has gained a reputation as an agent of change; therefore we always have a waiting list of 35 to 40 girls each year.


The THINK Home 9-month program provides the girl child with:

  • shelter, protection, medical care, psychosocial support, counseling, spiritual guidance and encouragement

  • vocational skills training (Pastry making, food preservation and catering, Tailoring, and Cosmetology)

  • life skills training including Reproductive Health, awareness about     HIV/AIDS, prevention and response to GBV, peace building


The home currently accommodates 25 girls and 10 children under the age of five.


THINK houses victims in a "safe" home where they are provided with protection, shelter, security and receive psychosical counseling. The girl child becomes involved in creative arts, and recreational activities. Family tracing and reunification are also offered to the girls.


THINK provides other services to help meet community concerns including clinical management of sexual and gender based violence, counseling, rehabilitation program for girls, adolescent girls mentorship, foster care placement, and early childhood development.


The one stop center saves the survivor and family from making trips to the various service providers by offering these services in one facility.


  • Medical examination and treatment

  • Counseling for survivor and family

  • Law enforcement assistance

  • Victim advocacy

  • Safe home referral


© 2021 Think Liberia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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